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  • Jeff Lindsay's avatar
    Remote forwarding (#88) · cbabf541
    Jeff Lindsay authored
    * context: fixed documentation to be more specific about ContextKeyConn being the key for a gossh.ServerConn
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJeff Lindsay <>
    * server: fixes handler setup, changed to interface based handlers, added global request handler map
    * tcpip: working remote forwarding
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJeff Lindsay <>
    * context: docs typo
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJeff Lindsay <>
    * session: always reply to unblock clients trying something
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJeff Lindsay <>
    * tcpip: stop listening when ssh clients disconnect
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJeff Lindsay <>
    * Remote forwarding (#87)
    * Update generateSigner key size to 2048 (#62)
    Fixes #58
    * Add syntax highlighting to readme (#67)
    * small api updates (#69)
    These updates make it easier to implement and pass custom Session and
    Context implementations
    No compatibilty breaking, all tests pass
    * Move channelHandlers to avoid data race (#59)
    * Update tests to work with go 1.10+ (#73)
    Fixes #72
    * Update shutdown to use a WaitGroup rather than sleeping (#74)
    * Fix race condition in TestServerClose (#75)
    In test server close, 3 things need to happen in order:
    - Client session start
    - Server.Close
    - Client session exit (With io.EOF)
    This fix ensures the client won't do anything until after the call to
    close which ensure's we'll get io.EOF rather than a different error.
    * Update circleci config to test multiple go versions
    * Update CircleCI config to test 1.9 and the latest
    The x/crypto/ssh library dropped support go < 1.9 as that's the first
    version to have the math/bits library.
    * Wait for connections to finish when shutting down
    PR #74 introduced a WaitGroup for listeners, but it doesn't wait for
    open connections before closing the server. This patch waits until all
    conns are closed before returning from Shutdown.
    *  Support port forwarding of literal IPv6 addresses (#85)
    * Support port forwarding of literal IPv6 addresses
    To disambiguate between colons as host:port separators and as IPv6 address separators, literal IPv6 addresses use square brackets around the address (  So host ::1, port 22 is written as [::1]:22, and therefore a simple concatenation of host, colon, and port doesn't work.  Fortunately net.JoinHostPort already implements this functionality, so with a bit of type gymnastics we can generate dest in an IPv6-safe way.
    * Support port forwarding of literal IPv6 addresses
    To disambiguate between colons as host:port separators and as IPv6 address separators, literal IPv6 addresses use square brackets around the address (  So host ::1, port 22 is written as [::1]:22, and therefore a simple concatenation of host, colon, and port doesn't work.  Fortunately net.JoinHostPort already implements this functionality, so with a bit of type gymnastics we can generate dest in an IPv6-safe way.
    * Reverse port forwarding callback added
    * garbage removed